• Back budding trick for Yew bonsai

    Back budding tricks for Yew bonsai and best practice techniques to establish a healthy coniferous bonsai are explained in the main content of this week’s tutorial. You find the video here: https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/shohin-bonsai-library/ Precise back budding on Yew A specific method tested will be explained to…

  • Mame bonsai is fun

    The smallest bonsai is categorized as Shohin bonsai and a subcategory is Mame (bean) bonsai, only measuring up to 10 cm / 4 Inches. Shohin bonsai measures a maximum of 20cm/10 inches from the rim of the pot to the top of the tree (give…

  • Spring Bonsai Q&A Thursday

    Spring has sprung very early this season so there is a lot to do fast regarding repotting if not done already. As usual the last Thursday of the month is Live Q&A time. Send in questions and pictures up front here https://shohin-europe.com/live/ if you like,…

  • Pot choices for two Shohin bonsai

    Hmmmm…. what pot should I choose? This may be one of the spring questions often asked among bonsai enthusiasts. In this week’s video, I look into exploring the pot choice. Repotting bonsai is also a chance to select maybe a new pot for a tree.…

  • Cold snap Q&A Thursday

    Temperatures are dropping these days. Not a lot but freezing it is and this demands some caretaking bringing shohin bonsai into the storage room. After a very wet period, cold can be very destructive. Soil filled with water freezing can both harm not-so-strong pots, and…

  • Live bonsai Q&A Thursday

    Autumn colours are waiting for us. Due to the unusually warm autumnal conditions, only a few trees are expected to show colourful leaves this season. A topic up at the Live Q&A and winter storage tips. Be sure to add your questions to live or…

  • 2 X 1-minute bonsai repotting videos

    The repotting season is ending at Kisetsu-en. This week I expect to finish all necessary repottings and then only any creative ideas will add something to the list. Two old trees changes soil in the past week. An old wild cherry, Prunus avium and a…

  • Spring shohin bonsai and wiring

    Spring is sneaking in upon us here. There have been some frosty nights but it will soon loosen up and higher temperatures will push new growth. Just before that, it is timely to wire any leftover wiring jobs we didn’t manage in autumn. When the…

  • Shohin bonsai freeze

    Winter has settled for a few days with temperatures dropping below zero. Down to – 5 C / 23 °F. This lasts for another week, so we have to freeze for two weeks in a row. What freezing does to our bonsai Low temperatures are…