• Shohin Deshojo maple

    The Deshojo maple with its wonderful purple-red leaves is a pure joy to watch. Now naked the tree stands as every other maple, and shows no difference noticeable. The Deshojo is for spring and autumn exhibitions when the colors are full. Often we speak about…

  • Autumn´s newer lies

    Bonsai loses leaves and cold windy weather reaches us. Autumn’s newer lies despite we set a warm-weather record the past month. But now cold arrived helping trees into dormancy. I am still working on deciduous trees needing trimming and winter preparations before branches get too…

  • Autumn bonsai colors

    The warm autumn doesn’t seem to stop some bonsai from exposing the wonderful colors of autumn. The shorter day length makes trees prepare for dormancy as does their genetic code clock. A third factor is the cold, but his year is extremely warm for the…

  • Autumn and Live Q&A

    Autumn begins to fill in the colour palette around Europe. Our friends on the other side of the globe experience spring, and so the world is spinning. The colours of deciduous trees are beautiful at this time no matter if it is autumn or spring.…

  • Spring bonsai actions

    Spring has sprung and here are some ideas for your weekend. Repotting season and Almost Friday episode 25 moss special fills the BONSAI ON content released today. 2 videos were released to warm you up before the weekend. Marvellous spring weather makes it a joy…

  • Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en and Live Q&A

    It´s almost Friday at Kisetsu-en. Today we start the repotting season by introducing a small Mame bonsai Trident maple. Watch at the end of the post.   There are so many questions when we work with bonsai. About styling, growing techniques and aesthetics.  That’s why…

  • Satsuki Azalea reconstruction

    We know bonsai designs doesn’t last forever. After some time a bonsai will need small adjustments or total reconstruction. But there are times in between when a little work isn’t enough and too late demands much more work.   But how do we take care…

  • Bonsai contest Latin America

    The FELAB bonsai association of Latin America (La Federación de Bonsai de todos los latinos) held an online photo contest with different categories of bonsai. Some selected bonsai from the 2021 contest are shown in the gallery below. From the two categories where I was appointed…

  • A new bonsai year ahead

    We probably all do it. More or less. Looking back and then into the year ahead. Summing up hat went good and hopefully not so bad. Then making premises for the new year. So do I. A little. At the bottom of this post a…

  • Frost hardy bonsai

    Temperatures drop for a few days. – 9 C / 15 Fahrenheit for a few nights. When the first snow showed up I went out to capture the magic before trees were carried in and protected from the hard frost hitting in the night at…