Bonsai contest Latin America

The FELAB bonsai association of Latin America (La Federación de Bonsai de todos los latinos) held an online photo contest with different categories of bonsai.

Some selected bonsai from the 2021 contest are shown in the gallery below. From the two categories where I was appointed as a judge. Link at the bottom for all contest photos.

It is always a privilege to judge a bonsai contest. Being able to study trees and compare with what fellow judges look at and appreciate.


Latin American bonsai

I have been so fortunate to travel to Brazil a few times doing bonsai workshops and demonstrations. A lot has happened since I was there the last time. Quality in trees have made a big step upwards, and I am impressed by the images I have seen in this contest.

The expression by using native material shows some amazing bonsai. I  judged the Shohin category and the fruit and flower category this time with fellow judges. Enjoy some awarded bonsai here and watch all at



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