Bonsai fun and +2300 bonsai pictures

Refreshed and reorganized the full picture gallery over the last few days. Uploaded and reorganized more than 2300 photos adding a lot of inspiration from travels around the world.

Photo travelogue

Pictures from China, Japan, Brazil, Germany, India, Belgium, UK, Poland and Denmark so far.

The travelogue is the record of many workshops and demos I have done, adding pictures from exhibitions and more.

Explore the photo gallery from the menu at the top of the page and watch how the bonsai culture thrives with all its interesting differences and good spirit around the globe.

Bonsai fun

Had a little bonsai fun on national television last night. A tv-show came by and we shared a little knowledge about bonsai with humour. It´s good to have a laugh too, so everything in life isn’t so serious. For those who understand Danish and are able to watch TV2Play the show can be streamed at

From 16 minutes in you can watch bonsai. Recorded at the Danish Bonsai association 40-year jubilee recently.

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