A new bonsai year ahead

We probably all do it. More or less. Looking back and then into the year ahead. Summing up hat went good and hopefully not so bad. Then making premises for the new year. So do I. A little.

At the bottom of this post a gallery of highlights from the Kisetsu-en garden in 2021.


2021 – a brief look at the year behind us

The past year has been busy as newer before. Doing online content mostly because of the Covid-19 pandemic grounding many one-to-one meetings in person. Replaced by online meetings and seminars mostly. All abroad events were cancelled, but that wasn’t a big surprise.

The growing seasons also had challenges. It was a strange year with an awful cold hit in spring, setting growth back for some trees. But all survived and with some extra attention in the coming seasons, we will not be surprised again.

The nursery is expanding little by little, making room for more bonsai material for teaching. In all kinds of sizes. Teaching bonsai demands different types of material so we can demonstrate and teach various topics.

Kisetsu-en is now an established online platform for bonsai learning, and the past one of half years after we started the subscription platform, we have been working on improving it. Mostly used time on getting everything to work well, and improving the user experience. Now we want to move forward.


2022 and the future of Kisetsu-en

Kisetsu-en translated means “Garden of the changing seasons”. It’s a lovely name for a bonsai garden I find.

It covers fully the spirit of the nursery. Following the seasons and expressing the beauty of nature with the seasonal changes.

Our goal for 2022 is to expand and build upon what we have done so far.

Aiming to be the best educational online platform on the European bonsai scene, and worldwide for bonsai enthusiasts who want to learn to grow their own bonsai from simple and less affordable material as well as Yamadori.

With an education as a gardener and 25+ years of growing bonsai, I am ready to take you further with your bonsai. Bringing you the best of horticulture and artistic skills to improve your skills and improve your bonsai.


The most beautiful filmed bonsai content on the web

We are proud of the visual expression of our content. Always aiming for a visual beautiful experience on top of high quality content striving to give you the best of knowledge available.

Weekly content

From 2022 the content will be published weekly, including the LIVE Q&A where bonsai enthusiasts can ask and get answers on any thing they ned to know about growing bonsai successfully.

Lookout for new content released on Thursdays from January.

If you do not receive the newsletter you can sign up here. We remind you weekly through the newsletter send out on Mondays.

Subtitles in 8 languages

Europe is a broad variation of languages. English is our basic language but all video material is texted in 8 languages.

Subtitles in English, Danish, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Spanish and Swedish is available. (Danish and Swedish was introduced in December and added onwards).

Thank you for supporting Kisetsu-en in 2021 – Happy New Year

We mark 2022 with an update of our logo. Simplified and in harmony.

Lets finish of this season at Kisetsu-en with a gallery of images form the Kisetsu-en nursery in 2021.



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