• Almost Friday before the end of 2021

    Just before Christmas and taking some days off before we start launching our content weekly from January 1st. here is the last “Almost Friday” in 2021 that takes you on a tour. Morten Albek takes you out in the Danish winter landscape, looking at trees,…

  • Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Its as mild as it gets these days, but maybe a little freezing popping up during the week. For a rare snowy Christmas time maybe. Most trees are stored in a protected frost free environment, but I always let coniferous…

  • Bonsai winter time at Kisetsu-en

    Most trees are still outside because the winter is not really present yet. Rain is present though. Still a few deciduous haven’t shed the leaves full, but they will not last for long now. Wet, wet, wet December only presented a few cold days, and…

  • Kisetsu-en bonsai news for 2022

    A new year approaches after we have celebrated Christmas time and/or enjoyed some well deserved holidays. A special thanks to nurses and doctors who work hard to get us safely through the Covid pandemic. Also, the Covid have changed our online habits and we are…

  • Kifu size matters

    Usually, we say that the seasons end when we enter wintertime and trees are packed away more or less. But at the same time, we enter a new season of activities. During winter there still is a lot we can do. Work on coniferous especially…

  • Autumn colours come late

    This season autumn colours come late. We still have fairly mild weather, with temperatures not dripping below 6 degrees C. / 43 Fahrenheit at night. Making everything cool down slowly. Some trees have dripped all leaves by night being controlled more by the day length…


    Yes. Just needed to spell it out in capital letters, because Shohin bonsai is just fun to work with and beautiful to watch. The online bonsai school at Kisetsu-en covers all kinds of bonsai, but I think it is the regular online teaching bonsai school…

  • Video sample – November bonsai edition

    Today you can watch a shorter sample of the content we released for November. Kisetsu-en bonsai online tutorials take you through the season and suggest different subjects for your own bonsai creativity. Kisetsu-en follows the seasons all year round, and I do my best to…

  • Funny bonsai attitudes

    November leaf fall and jobs to do in your bonsai garden. The online tutorials are published at https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/ and I hope you will enjoy them. As a pro member of Kisetsu-en, you have access to follow up with questions related to the published content as…

  • Nurse your bonsai creativity as an artist

    One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout the years of practising bonsai, is to overcome the obstacles and release creativity. Obstacles can be learning all the styling techniques and necessary gardening skills. Most of that you can learn through practising bonsai and…