Autumn colours come late

This season autumn colours come late. We still have fairly mild weather, with temperatures not dripping below 6 degrees C. / 43 Fahrenheit at night. Making everything cool down slowly. Some trees have dripped all leaves by night being controlled more by the day length than the temperatures.

Winter protection is not an issue yet. It’s more about securing bonsai ardent too wet when transpiration is really slow on cloudy days with a high level of moisture in the air.

As long as it continues like this I wait with any other precautions because the trees need a few nights freezing to help them into dormancy. The positive side of the delayed and slow transformation from growing season to dormancy season is that it gives more time to do some late season deciduous wiring and trimming. And more time to enjoy leaves turning from green to yellow and red. Like a slow traffic light. Unnecessary comparison but I couldn’t avoid it 😉

If you haven’t heard the latest podcast released Thursday, you can listen here. Digging into other takes on bonsai with the Black Scissors.

A few shots from the bonsai garden this morning are below the podcast.


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