• Shohin bonsai freeze

    Winter has settled for a few days with temperatures dropping below zero. Down to – 5 C / 23 °F. This lasts for another week, so we have to freeze for two weeks in a row. What freezing does to our bonsai Low temperatures are…

  • Frost hardy bonsai

    Temperatures drop for a few days. – 9 C / 15 Fahrenheit for a few nights. When the first snow showed up I went out to capture the magic before trees were carried in and protected from the hard frost hitting in the night at…

  • Bonsai winter time at Kisetsu-en

    Most trees are still outside because the winter is not really present yet. Rain is present though. Still a few deciduous haven’t shed the leaves full, but they will not last for long now. Wet, wet, wet December only presented a few cold days, and…

  • Bonsai and the chill factor

    Beautiful snowscape this month. Snow has covered the ground and forms small mounts of snow on the trees, giving this special winter feeling we rarely see anymore. Seems to last the month out, and lighten up the day. If it is cold? Oh yes. Winds…

  • Winter isn’t winter

    The very unusual winter may be less unusual in the future. Maybe. Winter isn’t winter anymore around here. For the first time ever it looks like most of my bonsai will stay out through the full season and into the next. If we don’t get…

  • Bonsai out at Christmas

    I normally have all my bonsai safely stored for winter protection at this time of the year. Close to Christmas time. Although we have had some rain my trees are still out. Most of them. Winter care Some of the more vulnerable bonsai not liking…

  • Merry Bonsai Christmas

    Dear readers and viewers. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.  I thank you for your great support. It was with no idea of what to expect, that I started the Bonsai Video Studio exactly one year ago. I am…

  • Bonsai winter pruning

    It is winter, and the bonsai season may seem a bit far ahead here in Northern Europe. But soon winter is over. We begin repotting and things starts to grow again. Winter time is also bonsai time. Styling trees are perfectly done during the dormant…

  • Bonsai winter storage

    When is the right time to stow away bonsai for winter storage? There are very different opinions about that. Some put them into a safe storage place before the first low freezing nights are present, where others wait for the first frosts to appear. I…