Five days before Japan

Only five days left before I go to Japan again. Looking forward to revisit some places, and see lots of new things. Some articles for Bonsai Focus are planned, as well as some video shooting too. Plenty of pictures will be on the camera when I go home, shared with you here and at the main website (

It is always a pleasure to see bonsai as it should be, and no were else so far, I have experienced the aesthetic and quality like in Japan. That is my inspiration for my work, and I hope to improve bit by bit. Having too little time for bonsai the last three years I hope to better able to care and work with my trees as i have since this spring. it is scaring evident when I have not been able to us the time needed to work and care for my trees for that period due to moving two times i.e.

Below a relaxed picture from the last trip…

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