Shohin Bonsai Europe 20 year anniversary greetings

Shohin Bonsai Europe has been around for 20 years in 2023. I am really proud and happy to receive greetings from friends around the world.

Part of the 20 years anniversary celebrations is a testimonial page where I will post a greeting weekly in the next week to come.

One of my long-time connections and friends is based in Japan. Back in 2005, I visited Tomohiro Masumi for the very first time. I have received much advice and knowledge from Tomohiro and appreciate the support over the years. A valuable resource of high-quality shohin bonsai and owner of the Koju-en Shohin bonsai nursery. Tomohiro Masumi also is the President of All Japan Shohin Bonsai Association.

You can read the kind words below. I am thankful for all the support.

Tomohiro Masumi

“Congratulations on the 20th anniversary of your website and teaching platform Shohin Bonsai Europe!

I’m very happy and feeling proud that you are teaching and spreading shohin bonsai to all over the world.

When I visited some countries in Europe around 20 years ago, shohin was still really minor and not so popular.

Shohin is definitely getting popular not only in European countries but many others. I hope you will keep going and shohin lovers are increasing more and more all over the world.

Thank you very much for your efforts and contribution.”

Best Regards, Tomohiro Masumi

Shohin master at Kojuen in Kyoto, Japan

President of All Japan Shohin Bonsai Association

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