Fuchi Bonsai autumn exhibition

Yesterday we had a wonderful time exhibiting bonsai and doing demo’s at the Japanese Gardens in Broby, Denmark. There was a huge interest in the bonsai exhibition, and visitors shown a great interest in the work done. As far away as Germany visitors arrived, and we are really happy that such an interest is shown towards our small group and the work done.
Fuchi Bonsai is a small bonsai relationship between Johnny Eslykke, Torben Pedersen and my self. we have for some years now been working together with bonsai, meeting every month to wok dedicated with our bonsai in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. Arranging exhibitions like this is one of our goals with Fuchi Bonsai, and the Japanese Gardens has invited us back next year spot on after the event proved a success.
We were a bit afraid about being able to fill the space with enough items of a decent quality, with only the three of us delivering bonsai for the exhibition. It is a difficult task to keep many trees at a decent standard at the same time at a specific time, and not possible to have all a the peak at the same time. Some of the trees were made ready for a spring exhibition, and now needed to be ready for a autumn exhibition too. But we have a relaxed set up and presents what is on the tables at the moment, and not being part of a competition allows a little flaws although we are keen to present the best possible.
Next year when we return we will enhance the exhibition set-up and look forward to another show.
A few selected photos here, and the full album available at the Fuchi Bonsai website