Bonsai birthday all forgotten

I really did forget the birthday of this website. October 15th 2003 the Shohin Bonsai Europe website went on air for the first time. Quite a history of 15 years of ongoing publications and alway trying to keep the page on top and modern.

Not too late to celebrate though. The website was launched the same time that Facebook was invented, to put things in perspective.

2005 – The website 13 years ago…

Time passed

Of course time has passed, and a lot of things has happened in this period. The aim is the same though. Bringing out knowledge about Shohin Bonsai and bonsai, so more people can enjoy this wonderful artform.

Today the website has a paid feature, because making educational video production is not cheap, and very time consuming. I am really glad so many has taken this in and support the ongoing of this.

Below a small selection of screenshots from the website, that has developed through time.

Hope you will stay and support as long as I do.

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