Kisetsu-en Bonsai Zoom launches in April

From April we introduce an extra feature for our members. Introducing Kisetsu-en Bonsai Zoom live from our studio.

A live Q&A session where you can ask questions, share experiences and get live feedback from Morten Albek. We do it on Zoom and in English.

Let’s talk bonsai

Modern times adds modern opportunities to the ancient art of bonsai. Join us live with Bonsai Zoom for members every month after we have launched the online videos. Maybe you have questions based on the videos or just random questions and suggestions as you know it from the existing Q&A in writing.

The live Zoom meeting will be announced two weeks ahead, and I hope you will find it valuable to interact live. Getting a better connection between members and us will be a great adding to the existing content I hope.

For now, a full hour is scheduled and then we will see how it develops. Invitations will be online to join for members, and we will get back to this a little later.

For now. We just want to share the news and hope you enjoy springtime in your gardens around the world. Follow up will be announced here, in the Newsletter and on social media.



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