Bonsai winter time at Kisetsu-en

Most trees are still outside because the winter is not really present yet. Rain is present though. Still a few deciduous haven’t shed the leaves full, but they will not last for long now.

Wet, wet, wet

December only presented a few cold days, and the winter storage of the trees are more focused on avoiding them being floored by rain rather than being decorated with snow.

I added a video from last year just to remember that beauty of snow and get you (and me) into the right Christmas spirit. View at the bottom of this post.

Bonsai import

Unfortunately, we lost the recording of the last Live Q&A Zoom meeting caused by a hard disk breakdown. So you have to remember what was said this time. I added some information wanted about importing bonsai at the Live Q&A section – link below – as asked for during the session. It is a special trust adding this information so handle with care. Available for members only. Information´s at the Live Q&A archive page

Gift card

Christmas is coming up and we added a Gift Card option for memberships at Kisetsu-en.

Select the GIFT CARD option when ordering and send a membership subscription to someone you know love bonsai and want to learn more. Or teat yourself because you are worth it 😉

Check the GIFT CARD option when ordering and add the receivers email address.

Wintertime is a good occasion to lean back and study all the video content available at Kisetsu-en. We add new tutorials ongoing and as the library expands Pro members can use the dark winter hours catching up on techniques and caretaking.

From 2022 we add new video content weekly and also new language subtitles. Danish and Swedish are added, so we now deliver subtitled video content in 8 languages from January and forwards.


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