Trimming leaves and flowers on bonsai
The summer is here in a moment. Although the calendar mentions spring as the official season now the weather says summer, which influences the growth of the bonsai.
Japanese maples
Especially Japanese maples are a must-have in the bonsai collection, although not a native three around where you may live.
The elegant leaves are a treat in summer. Leaves also are the focus point in this special edition where we look at four different approaches to leaf pruning in summer.
Flowers fade and then what?
What to do after a bonsai has flowered? Should the flowers be allowed to stay and develop seeds, or should they be pruned off and why?
With a red flowering Hawthorn `Pauls ScarlettĀ“ on the table we investigate the seasonal approach and control of an old Shohin bonsai flowering Hawthorn.
2 X video is up and ready to watch this week. Watch now here: https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/shohin-bonsai-library/