• Shohin frosts

    The first really cold nights arrived this week, but weather turning milder and slightly warmer again. But cold nights produces wonderful hoar frosts on leaves. Please enjoy a few shots from an early morning.

  • Autumn … again…

    Its autumn  – again. Like every year, and beautiful as always. I also always grab my camera and shoot some trees, garden scenes, leaves i.e. because I am carried away with these repeating autumn colors, year after year after ….. well, you get it. So…

  • Masterclass

    A small group of bonsai experienced enthusiasts gathers in the Fuchi Bonsai group from time to time. We teach and discuss, and work on trees for a full day trying to expand borders and knowledge. Here some B & W from the recent day.

  • Did you know…

    – that a great event for small trees take place in March 2013? Please read below – text by By Mark Cooper On behalf of the organising team, I am pleased to announce that an exciting national UK Shohin Bonsai show dedicated to smaller bonsai,…

  • Bonsai windows

    No, not that kind of Microsoft Windows but real windows. At a recent vacation in the small town Marostica in Northern Italy I did not expect to stumble on anything bonsai-ish 🙂 But as always, some kind of bonsai always pass by, and this was…

  • Summer shohin display

    Summer isn’t normally the most preferred time of the year to show or display bonsai, according to the traditional Japanese customs. Probably because summer time is the hot season in Japan, and the growing season for bonsai therefore being out of shape and unfit for…

  • Tokonoma display and workshop

    At my studio we had a nice little workshop before the holiday starts. Ulf and Michael brought along some material to work at, and we had a very good concentrated workshop, almost forgetting talking in long periods. That´s how you recognise concentrated dedicated people, just…

  • Shohin 2012

    The past weekend I attended the national annual exhibition in the Danish Bonsai Society. The event took place at a bright place at the Danish Japanese Gardens. This time my small shohin display was awarded with the runners up prize, judged by the head demonstrator…

  • Humidity and heat

    Shohin bonsai may dry out faster than other bonsai because they simply have a very limited amount of soil. This small amount of soil will dry out because the tree uses water to cool down by leaf transpiration at hot days, and it will dry…

  • Bonsai trends on

    The Hong Kong fashion and trend magazine Trends´on, features an article about European bonsai experts. The magazine features Morten Albek with Walther Pall and Stafano Frisoni in the art talk section. Pretty modern layout, putting bonsai in a new frame, and maybe appealing to others…