• 30 year jubilee shohin pot

    In the weekend just passed I had reserved a shohin pot specially produced for www.bonsaivaerkstedet.com The pot is made by Walsall Studio ceramics, ordered by my friend Hans Joergen Nielsen from Bonsaivaerkstedet, a bonsai shop in Denmark. It is beautiful pot with red glacier with…

  • Daizo Iwasaki passed away

    I am sad to inform that world known bonsai collector Daizo Iwasaki passed away. I knew Daizo Iwasaki through visit in his famous Takasago-an garden in Japan, and a private visit here in Denmark a few years ago. I have also helped him with a…

  • Bonsai in Rome

    At my recent travel to Rome in Italy, my wife and I took a last stroll through Trastevere before we should go home, and  entered a botanical garden where a flower festival took place. Here we by coincidence stumbled upon the local bonsai exhibition by…

  • Fuchi Bonsai masterclass

    With my two bonsai buddies Johnny Eslykke and Torben Pedersen I have formed a small work group with the purpose of teaching and developing the art of bonsai in our country. We have deliberately avoided a club or organization in order to keep a clean…

  • Using yellow pots

    Yellow pots for bonsai is still not seen so much outside Japan. In the world of Shohin-bonsai it must be introduced though, and the colour will lift the display when used properly. The glazed pots in various colours are used for deciduous Shohin and mame-bonsai.…

  • Yesterday I got a message from a bonsai enthusiast on the island I live. He was giving up bonsai because of too little time to take care of his trees. He therefore asked me if I wanted to take over his little collection of trees,…

  • Spring details

    Here a few close ups of spring signs at the bonsai area. Temperatures are rising fast these days and trees are showing significantly strong growth this year. I do not know exactly why, but the past year was not a good year for bonsai. 2010…

  • Spring buds and exhibition preparations

    New spring buds showing on the Danish Cherry, and both flower buds and leafs develop fast these days as temperatures rices. Two new pots have arrived earlier, and both events proves spring is here. This also means it is time to prepare for the national…