• Lonicera nitida development

    Five years ago I was given this little Lonicera nitida from a bonsai friend, because he did not had any good ideas about how to style it. I started the styling after one year, cutting back branches only leaving back the basics. This specimen makes…

  • Late summer displaying

    Summer is not allways the best time to display shohin. This time of the year many trees are leaf trimmed or in other ways not showing the full beauty, missing flowering and colours of the fruits not developed full yet. It is possible though to…

  • Crataegus development first 3 years

    From collecting this Hawthorn, Crataegus monogyna, has developed fine so far. Still in early progress, but now settled in a good pot. The first tree years has been focusing in surviving, by doing nothing but watering and feeding aggressively the first two years until healthy strong growth…

  • Mame Goat Willow

    This is a small Mame-bonsai Willow started two years ago. The raw material was given by a friend of mine, and the speedy growth will soon give a full canopy. The speedy growth requires also a careful pinching so the tree will neither overgrow or…

  • New blog from Morten Albek

    This is my blog  featuring small and big events, notes from my bonsai garden i.e. I hope you will enjoy. At the blog I will post informal notices of what happens in my world of Shohin-bonsai and more or less related topics. The basic and advanced…