Kisetsu-en Kusamono summer Holidays
With a tutorial published about creating a large Kusamono summer display, we are now looking forward to two weeks’ holiday. Returníng with new ideas and creative bonsai content. Here you can see the result of the creation and display in the Tokonoma. The video you…
Volcanic accent for bonsai and Zoom in June
Summer is calling. Soon the next monthly video Magazine will be online. June 1st it is released and we are heading towards the summer period. It is time for pruning Japanese maples and take care of the balance between the strong and weak parts of…
Cat-amono and the deciduous bonsai chess game
Kusamono or Catamono? Funny moment at the Kisetsu-en bonsai garden. Shooting the Dwarf Hosta as it just stands perfect with a new flower. Mounted in an Elsebeth Ludvigsen pot. Our cat – ruling the premises with secure paws – couldnt resist posing during the photo…
New bonsai book. Shohin – Through the seasons.
The English and french version of the new book “Shohin – Through the Seasons” is now ready for preorders for the English and French language. The book is launched in February 2020. It has been a great pleasure writing a new book, after my first…
Horsetail Kusamono
The Kusamono Dwarf Horsetail, Equisetum scirpoides, is a gift from a good bonsai friend. He didn’t remember the name, so I had to research a bit to find the correct name of it. I like the elegant structure with the tiny dark knees dividing each of…
Tokonoma display and workshop
At my studio we had a nice little workshop before the holiday starts. Ulf and Michael brought along some material to work at, and we had a very good concentrated workshop, almost forgetting talking in long periods. That´s how you recognise concentrated dedicated people, just…
Humidity and heat
Shohin bonsai may dry out faster than other bonsai because they simply have a very limited amount of soil. This small amount of soil will dry out because the tree uses water to cool down by leaf transpiration at hot days, and it will dry…
Shitakusa or bonsai accents magic
Accent plants for bonsai, or standing alone? One way or the other, the beauty of Shitakusa is not arguable. In a short time the Magical Bonsai Accents show is held in the UK, and I am pretty sure it will be amazing. Read more at http://magicalbonsaiaccents.wordpress.com/about/…
Kusamono / accents in early autumn
The accents starts to show the first colours of autumn. Especially the Sedum and Saxifraga species have their highlight of the season in autumn I find. Sedum floriferum ´Weihenstefaner Gold´ Sedum