Volcanic accent for bonsai and Zoom in June

Summer is calling. Soon the next monthly video Magazine will be online. June 1st it is released and we are heading towards the summer period.

It is time for pruning Japanese maples and take care of the balance between the strong and weak parts of your bonsai. We deal with that and look into Yew styling, changing the look dramatically (maybe), for a Chinese juniper, Q&A about Field maples, and of course the seasonal care of bonsai. This month selected tree from the collection is on Hawthorn.

Volcanic accent

In the garden the last days, my focus have been on filming new episodes for June, but also enjoying some accent plantings and generally cleaning up for new projects to come.

This small Oxalis vulcanicola Gold`is really cool I think. The name indicates some volcanic expression because the colours look a bit like fire. Flowers are yellow when they appear.

Zoom in on your bonsai

Summer also calls for our next Live Q&A at Zoom. It takes place June 17 at 19:00 (UTC +2). Be sure to add this to your calendar and sign up for a membership to be part of it. Read more about Zoom meetings here.

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