Shohin displays at Noelanders
As promised in an earlier post, I will take a little time going through some of the shohin displays at Noelanders this year. Not to judge them (judges already did their job), but to put some words on the way of displaying shohin-bonsai the classical way…
Gafu-ten book 38
The book from the 38th Gafu-ten exhibition in Japan (the largest Shohin exhibition taking place every January in Japan), just landed on my desk. And ohhh how happy a boy I am. Not only by watching the marvellous photos of fantastic Shohin-displays, buts also the…
The shohin pot from Bálint Tirpák Mafia
A very kind gesture has been made from Hungarian shohin `Mafia´ member Bálint Tirpák. So he made his own pot for me, and it arrived today as gesture of gratitude for inspiration through this blog and websites throughout the years. Nicely wrapped in a box…
Flowers and leaves
Spring brings flowers and leaves. The delicate new maple leaves and the potent flower buds of the Japanese Quince now shows in all their beauty. This is spring. Every day a little new development and flowers that opens suddenly. Every day is a joy.
Shohin-bonsai pots by Elsebeth Ludvigsen
I am fortunate to have the excellent Danish shohin and kusamono potter Elsebeth Ludvigsen around. Elsebeth delivers from time to time some very good pots with her own unique style. Danish clay crafts have a good reputation in Europe and the traditions are shown in…
Shohin pot fashion today
Bonsai fashion shifts from time to time. Sometimes it changes due to new taste and influences by leading artists. Some time out of need. The later is the case with coloured pots for shohin-bonsai. Shohin-bonsai has been developed the past 40 to 50 years in…
30 year jubilee shohin pot
In the weekend just passed I had reserved a shohin pot specially produced for www.bonsaivaerkstedet.com The pot is made by Walsall Studio ceramics, ordered by my friend Hans Joergen Nielsen from Bonsaivaerkstedet, a bonsai shop in Denmark. It is beautiful pot with red glacier with…
Yellow pot 2 – Pyracantha by Rita and Mark Cooper
After publishing my words about yellow Shohin-bonsai pots yesterday I received a wonderful picture from Rita and Mark Cooper from the UK. Rita and Mark has a fabulous collection of Shohin-bonsai, they have trained and developed from both native stocks and pre-bonsai raw material imported.…
Using yellow pots
Yellow pots for bonsai is still not seen so much outside Japan. In the world of Shohin-bonsai it must be introduced though, and the colour will lift the display when used properly. The glazed pots in various colours are used for deciduous Shohin and mame-bonsai.…