• Free bonsai video to start the new year

    To start up the new year we release a free video for you from our growing library of tutorials. Showing the restyling of a Shimpaku Juniper originally from Mansei-en in Japan. Subtitles in 8 languages. English, Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Swedish. Sign…

  • Almost Friday before the end of 2021

    Just before Christmas and taking some days off before we start launching our content weekly from January 1st. here is the last “Almost Friday” in 2021 that takes you on a tour. Morten Albek takes you out in the Danish winter landscape, looking at trees,…

  • Bonsai winter time at Kisetsu-en

    Most trees are still outside because the winter is not really present yet. Rain is present though. Still a few deciduous haven’t shed the leaves full, but they will not last for long now. Wet, wet, wet December only presented a few cold days, and…

  • Video sample – November bonsai edition

    Today you can watch a shorter sample of the content we released for November. Kisetsu-en bonsai online tutorials take you through the season and suggest different subjects for your own bonsai creativity. Kisetsu-en follows the seasons all year round, and I do my best to…

  • Read your tree in autumn

    Autumn is showing its bright colours. Almost like a traffic light with green, yellow and reds shining at the branches on deciduous Japanese maples, the Korean hornbeam or the Elm. I am lucky to have some nice weather the last days with the sun bringing…

  • Online bonsai beginner experiences

    The other day at an exhibition I heard one of my local students talk about the online learning experience. Not a young man as you might expect, but a retired man now putting all his energy and love into bonsai. What he told another guest…

  • Friday new bonsai tutorials are released

    Even when it rains we continue recording the videos for the next release of tutorials. To a certain point. When water drops too heavy we have to withdraw for a moment. Autumn is a bit unpredictable around here. We never know if it will be…

  • Bonsai Live Q&A worldwide

    If you ever doubted how passionate members we have at Kisetsu-en, it’s over. At this meeting, one of our dedicated members from Australia was on a 4 AM Canberra time, and another was on the cell phone directly from the lake on a fishing trip.…