Black Pine styling
Now online and ready to stream. I am styling a Japanese black pine Shohin bonsai. Step by step each detail is shown and explained. Learn about the styling process and how to balance health between each branch. Japanese black pines are traditionally used for many…
Japanese Black Pine decandling and prep for styling
Timing and detail are everything when we deal with the Japanese Black Pine. And here comes a confession. Up til now, I haven’t supported the Japanese Black Pine for Shohin bonsai in Northern Europe, because the climate makes it really difficult to grow them healthy.…
LIVE Black Pine styling + Q&A
LIVE Black Pine styling + Q&A: Thursday, January 26 at 8 PM (CET) +1 / 20:00 Live styling of a Japanese Black Pine, where we look into aesthetics and balancing a tree prepared over the past two seasons. During the live demo, you can use…
Japanese White Pine autumn jobs
The Japanese White Pine is maybe the most elegant of all pines. The feminine light needles set up against the rough bark is as beautiful as only nature can create it. Autumn is here in a moment, and the weather can change every day from…
Black pines back budding tutorial
Part of the monthly bonsai video magazine online Sunday August 1st at 7 AM (UTC +2) Black pines back budding In yesterdays newsletter we somehow managed to leave out the info about the Japanese black pine video coming up. So here it goes. Pines in…
Bonsai live and a bonsai forest
Because of the difficult times, a group of Black Scissors bonsai artists go together and send live on Facebook. If I can manage it, it will also be shared on YouTube afterward. Going live to bring us together when we are apart. The event will…
Black Scissors online demo April 19
On April 19 I will take part in the worldwide online bonsai event arranged by the Black Scissors Bonsai movement. Considering the present condition of COVID-19 which encouraging people to stay home and work at home, we have planned a live bonsai demo around the…