• Bonsai display Live Q&A

    Thursday at 8 PM (UTC +2) Copenhagen time, the monthly Live Q&A on Zoom is focused on two main questions. You are still welcome to add your questions, but we will use some time on the two main subjects. Question one is on displaying bonsai.…

  • Spring Bonsai Q&A Thursday

    Spring has sprung very early this season so there is a lot to do fast regarding repotting if not done already. As usual the last Thursday of the month is Live Q&A time. Send in questions and pictures up front here https://shohin-europe.com/live/ if you like,…

  • Live Q&A Thursday

    Thursday, January 25 at 8 PM (UTC +1) the monthly Live Q&A is scheduled. Bring in your questions and also send questions in before where you can attach pictures if needed. Questions can be about everything bonsai-related, from repotting, and styling techniques to display issues.…

  • Cold snap Q&A Thursday

    Temperatures are dropping these days. Not a lot but freezing it is and this demands some caretaking bringing shohin bonsai into the storage room. After a very wet period, cold can be very destructive. Soil filled with water freezing can both harm not-so-strong pots, and…

  • Autumn and Live Q&A

    Autumn begins to fill in the colour palette around Europe. Our friends on the other side of the globe experience spring, and so the world is spinning. The colours of deciduous trees are beautiful at this time no matter if it is autumn or spring.…

  • LIVE Q&A Thursday 25

    It’s time for our online meeting at Kisetsu-en. Please note it is taking place this upcoming Thursday at 8 PM as usual. (UTC +2) because it is still European summertime. Send in your questions and pictures ahead, and let’s have an enjoyable evening as we…

  • Get connected with bonsai friends

    GET CONNECTED. That’s probably the most important part of bonsai. Meeting people. Talking bonsai. Sharing experiences. Being together. The LIVE Q&A at Kisetsu-en BONSAI ON is such an opportunity. With that brilliant side effect, you will also learn something. The LIVE Q&A is a perfect…

  • Free bonsai Live Q&A Thursday at 8 PM

    This is your opportunity to ask your bonsai questions at the Live Q&A.   Morten Albek will answer different topics about bonsai. You can join us with your questions as well. Ask live at the meeting or send in questions ahead for a better chance…