Get connected with bonsai friends

GET CONNECTED. That’s probably the most important part of bonsai. Meeting people. Talking bonsai. Sharing experiences. Being together.
The LIVE Q&A at Kisetsu-en BONSAI ON is such an opportunity. With that brilliant side effect, you will also learn something.

The LIVE Q&A is a perfect place to get connected with bonsai enthusiasts from around the world.

This week the Live Q&A takes place Thursday, April 7 at 8 PM (UTC +2) which is recorded and added to the video library the day after. You find this and previous meetings recorded with helpful advice for your bonsai adventure.
PLEASE be aware the international timetable has changed because of European summertime. You find a timetable on the Live Q&A page:
If you just want to listen without speaking that’s perfectly fine. We will appreciate every face taking part. 
This is your opportunity to get bonsai questions of any kind answered in a friendly atmosphere.
We also share knowledge between members in the traditional Kisetsu-en spirit.
Questions can be everything bonsai related. Techniques, aesthetics, caretaking or whatever you have on your mind.
Follow the link and read more.

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