Supporting Japanese victim

From Marco Invernizzi who made a Facebook group to support a victim of the Japanese catastrophy.

“Isao Omachi is the rising star of Bonsai in Japan. He used to live and work in Yamada-cho in the Iwate prefecture with his wife, 2 daughters and his parents. The recent tsunami didn’t take their lives but EVERYTHING ELSE they own. They lost EVERYTHING including one of the most amazing bonsai collections in Japan. They need our help. They need it now. Gambatte in japanese means: ” good luck!” or ” do your best!” The best we can all do is to donate money. 3 bank accounts will be soon open and ready to receive your donations: 1 in Europe, 1 in USA, 1 in Japan and a PAYPAL account. I’m sure that the Omachi family will share whatever we will be able to collect with relatives and friends in need. Help us to help them. Dont’ wait, please don’t wait! Thank you You can find Omachi on FACEBOOK, if you speak any other languages than English please translate this message and share it with everyone!”

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