Fuchi Bonsai masterclass

With my two bonsai buddies Johnny Eslykke and Torben Pedersen I have formed a small work group with the purpose of teaching and developing the art of bonsai in our country. We have deliberately avoided a club or organization in order to keep a clean and crisp focus on bonsai. Lately we formed a closed masterclass group with invited people, to secure a small group of dedicated people who will work well together.

Our first meeting was set up in the easter holidays, and with the sun shining from a clear sky and warm weather (it has been the warmest April month in 135 years), the conditions were perfect. We meet private, and the gathering took place at Johnny Eslykkes place in his beautiful Japanese inspired garden.

We worked on both larger and small pieces, and had a great time in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. next time will be in august at my place, and maybe we put up a lecture about displaying or another theme. Most important, it is to work with a dedicated group of friendly people.

Below photos by Hans Joergen Nielsen and Morten Albek

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  • Peter Shawinsky

    I think the small group of dedicated Bonsai people is a wonderful idea. Many times in a club setting politics and personalities take over and shadow the real reason we get together. Bonsai for me is a time of peace to work with nature as a living art. Best wishes for success! Thank you for the post and the pictures!

    • alfredo espino

      It is indeed a great thing to get together and spend a timeless while doing bonsai. Thanks a lot, Morten, for the pictures. Enjoy the sun and the awakening of life. My best wishes to you from El Salvador.

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