Western scroll painting

Trying a new modern way using a scroll painting done by a western art painter A.A. Sanvig (www.aasanvig.com).

For a long time it has been discussed how we can adapt the traditional Japanese way of bonsai in the west, just not copying what already done. My own approach has always been to respect the Japanese foundation on which the bonsai culture is based. Without understanding the basics and the heritage we will not be able to adapt the art I believe. Many attempts have been made (and still is)  transforming the traditional Japanese style into something more western art (or artificial?) styled displays.

I want to bring a new style of scroll painting to attention. Because I rest on the traditional Japanese way of displaying bonsai, this doesn’t mean I have to use Japanese paintings for the scrolls all the time, although I appreciate these paintings. But I thought a modern western painter could bring in some new refreshing styles of scroll painting, adapting the Japanese traditional scroll painting translated into a western artist  mindset.

The task was to take offspring in the original scroll paintings, with simplicity and simple colours if not black and grey. What arrived was a simple but modern expression, now waiting to be used for a spring display some months ahead. I really look forward to see how well this will work in a bonsai display.

Further paintings will be produced this winter, also for Shohin three pieces displays.

Painted by artist Ann-lisbeth Albek Sanvig, 2011.

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  • Morten Albek

    Hi Paul

    Thanks. I am glad you like it. There will be some available in my new shop in a few weeks I expect. I will announce it at the website a s soon as they are ready.
    I hope they will adapt well as a new approach to the traditional display.

    Best regards

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