China – The demo

At the penjing / bonsai event in China, arranged by the Black Scissors Community and China Penjing Artists Association, there was a four hours demo. The artists were Japan Kobayashi (Japan), Morten Albek (Denmark), Sean Smith (US), Samuel Thompson (Australia), Ryan Bebas (Indonesia), Rudy Marinello (Italy), Chen Jianliang (Taiwan), and Wayne Lee (Malaysia).

Kunio Kobayashi (Japan).

Juniper procumbens was the subject to work on. Huge trees, with a lengthy grow making it difficult to make a “traditional” and easy transformation. So all artists had to find their inner forces and transform the trees with creativity.

My own tree had three trunks. One was removed to simplify the structure. Also a large upper branch was sawed off. I started jinning some parts, and adding shari to the trunk. Jins are deadwood branches and shari is deadwood at the trunk. This was styled so it added more movement to the trunk.

Larger branches were wrapped in a breathing gaze that was applied to protect the inner tissue and thin Juniper bark, when wired and bend heavily. I also manged cutting my finger so all of a sudden a medical theme stood there, to clean the wound and wrap my finger. A good photo opportunity for the audience. Havent seen the pictures though, so you must imagine.

My final image of the tree aimed at a natural look using the twisted trunk to the extend it was possible, and incorporating a straight upper part so it will be hidden behind the canopy in the future. Or it can be jinned so it looks less straight. It is though a process for the future, because it would be to stressed to do it at once, risking the life of branches that emerges close to.

There was a great spirit and good atmosphere among the demonstrators. We all had fun end enjoyed each others company. A big thanks to Su Fang and the other organizers for a great event.

A Vlog will be posted after Christmas, showing the demonstrations, the exhibition and more from the event. Sign up for a subscription so you can see it when it is posted in the Bonsai Video Studio later.

GALLERY: Click pictures for full size.


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