Christmas bonsai meeting

We are three guys (middle aged to aged) meeting regularly to work with bonsai. We have done this for more than fifteen years now. Maybe close to twenty? December 22nd we had this year’s last meeting, doing bonsai as we use to, eating a meal and enjoying ourselves. This time it was at Johnny Eslykke´s place. He also got a small Tokonoma in the room where we work.

Johnny Eslykke.

We discuss each others trees, give advices and helping with design and growth issues when needed. We also arrange public meeting in between, exhibitions and more. But the foundation is our little community together. We will continue this to the very end I am sure. It is great to make friends in bonsai that grows to be friendships beyond too. This I experience when I come around the world doing workshops and demos. A lot of good relations are build upon our common interest in the art of bonsai.

Merry Christmas to all of you and your families.

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