The bonsai spirit video

A few blog posts back I told about a video recording from the bonsai garden. The bonsai spirit video or how I think about the life wit bonsai. This is the short version. A longer version will be edited for later.
Nicolai Brix filming in the garden.

Filming in almost complete darkness

Nicolai Brix, a very talented photographer and video journalist, tested some equipment at night, shooting in almost complete darkness. He set up a few lights, and we even had to turn of weak decoration light to not overexpose the captured video. All lights set to nearly off and using lanterns for the rest.
You can watch it here and select subtitles for languages, precisely as the monthly lectures published.
All new lectures from 2021 and onwards are added subtitles in different languages.

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Kisetsu-en Shohin & Bonsai Online

Monthly a large theme about the seasons is published. Produced as HQ video from the garden and studio with Morten Albek.

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