Here comes the sun
With The Beatle’s old song (for those of us who are old enough to remember that) “Here comes the sun” in mind, it is a welcome to spring. After a rainy season, dry and sunny weather announces spring.
Flowers of spring is a joy. A little early this season the Prunus avium shows its wonderful flowers. The tricky thing this year is to protect it from any nigth frost that will ruin the development of fruits.
Spring is the busiest time of the year for bonsai. We look into repotting, fertilizing trees and fresh new strong growth. But just before that there are other things to do, until temperatures rise and magic happens. That’s what this week is about in the seasonal episode published today and ready to watch at BONSAI ON.
Timing is essential with many actions in bonsai. And especially spring can be challenging because weather and temperatures can shift, changing the conditions and thereby changing what is best to do and especially when to do it.
Other tasks are easier to plan and when it is difficult to wait to work with bonsai after a long winter, we show what you can do anytime in March in this episode.