Shohin bonsai in January and Tony Tickle testimonial

January is tricky. We just had a storm passing and it has been wet, wet and then wet again. Finally, the rain seem to stop. But the hag this month is to secure the bonsai are not pushing out new growth forced by the mild weather. Weather records are set again and again. Temperatures are too high for this time of the year and might cause early growth. This might be fine if there wasn’t a risk of sudden temperature drops below zero at any moment.

It was easier in “the old days” when winter was winter and more reliable.

What I do to deal with changing temperatures is simply move trees around. They have been inside a cold frame for a few weeks when it was cold. Now they are out again. Doing mostly shohin that’s bearable but still annoying.

Prunus avium

I will just have to wait for February and see if I need to take it all inside again. A few days of freezing do not harm at all, as long as the trees stay dormant and haven’t pushed out new growth that will be killed or harmed by sudden freezing. Pictures here are from March of the previous season, showing how unpredictable the weather can be.

20 year anniversary

Shohin Bonsai Europe has been around for 20 years in 2023. I am really proud and happy to receive greetings from friends around the world.

Tony Tickle

Dear Morten

What a fantastic achievement my friend.

We have known each other all these 20 years and more.

Shohin Bonsai has developed across Europe mostly down to your dedication and enthusiasm for the art.

You have studiously and creatively crafted a fabulous collection and shared that knowledge on your learning platform.

Many of your students I know have gone on to create beautiful shohin trees of their own under your guidance.

I know I speak for many in the bonsai community when I say THANK YOU for your efforts and contribution, here is to the next 20 years!

Tony Tickle, Bonsai artist

Read the testimonials here….

Tony Tickle. Taxus baccata exhibited at the Bonsai Show Live in Telford, October 2022.

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