Video sample – November bonsai edition
Today you can watch a shorter sample of the content we released for November. Kisetsu-en bonsai online tutorials take you through the season and suggest different subjects for your own bonsai creativity. Kisetsu-en follows the seasons all year round, and I do my best to…
Funny bonsai attitudes
November leaf fall and jobs to do in your bonsai garden. The online tutorials are published at https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/ and I hope you will enjoy them. As a pro member of Kisetsu-en, you have access to follow up with questions related to the published content as…
Nurse your bonsai creativity as an artist
One of the most important lessons I have learned throughout the years of practising bonsai, is to overcome the obstacles and release creativity. Obstacles can be learning all the styling techniques and necessary gardening skills. Most of that you can learn through practising bonsai and…
Read your tree in autumn
Autumn is showing its bright colours. Almost like a traffic light with green, yellow and reds shining at the branches on deciduous Japanese maples, the Korean hornbeam or the Elm. I am lucky to have some nice weather the last days with the sun bringing…
Bonsai fun and +2300 bonsai pictures
Refreshed and reorganized the full picture gallery over the last few days. Uploaded and reorganized more than 2300 photos adding a lot of inspiration from travels around the world. Photo travelogue Pictures from China, Japan, Brazil, Germany, India, Belgium, UK, Poland and Denmark so far.…
Wabi sabi or not?
It´s Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en. This week we publish a new podcast with the subject discussing: Do all bonsai have to be old and do they have to look old? The tradition is bonsai are old trees or at least shows age. This tradition and…
Recorded Live Q&A now online to view
We always record our Live Q&A meetings, so it is able to watch again. Or just watch if you couldn’t be there when it took place. The library is growing, and there is a lot to watch and catch up on for Pro members. Last…
Join the bonsai Live Q&A tonight for free
Sharing the link for today’s free Live Q&A at Kisetsu-en. Â Click to join at 20:00 (UTC +2) October 14. Â https://zoom.us/j/5852340261?pwd=NStGWDhkNGJoMXBlOFZndWNYTXV6Zz09 Â Code to add for the meeting if required is: zoom-free There is a limited number of participants. If the list is full…
Almost Friday – The Nordic bonsai style
A little ahead of time new Almost Friday content is available. This week Morten Albek looks at another take on bonsai art. Presenting the possibilities of developing an expression with more naturalness and a different feeling of bonsai. Bonsai is so rooted in traditions that…
Free bonsai Live Q&A Thursday at 8 PM
This is your opportunity to ask your bonsai questions at the Live Q&A. Â Morten Albek will answer different topics about bonsai. You can join us with your questions as well. Ask live at the meeting or send in questions ahead for a better chance…