Five days before Japan
Only five days left before I go to Japan again. Looking forward to revisit some places, and see lots of new things. Some articles for Bonsai Focus are planned, as well as some video shooting too. Plenty of pictures will be on the camera when…
Italian Shohin-bonsai on show
I guess these pictures (facebook picture album) and the video from the exhibition is from Italian Aurelio De Capitani personal collection? No matter what, these are some of the first really beautiful high quality shohin I have seen from Italy. Clearly great material imported from…
Inspiration from Tomohiro Masumi
Me and Tomohiro in my garden. Spending 5 days with Japanese Shohin bonsai expert Tomohiro Masumi did make a difference to me. Tomohiro was invited to the Danish Bonsai Society 30th anniversary exhibition as workshop leader and making lectures. I had the opportunity to have…
Shohin pot fashion today
Bonsai fashion shifts from time to time. Sometimes it changes due to new taste and influences by leading artists. Some time out of need. The later is the case with coloured pots for shohin-bonsai. Shohin-bonsai has been developed the past 40 to 50 years in…
30 year jubilee shohin pot
In the weekend just passed I had reserved a shohin pot specially produced for www.bonsaivaerkstedet.com The pot is made by Walsall Studio ceramics, ordered by my friend Hans Joergen Nielsen from Bonsaivaerkstedet, a bonsai shop in Denmark. It is beautiful pot with red glacier with…
Daizo Iwasaki passed away
I am sad to inform that world known bonsai collector Daizo Iwasaki passed away. I knew Daizo Iwasaki through visit in his famous Takasago-an garden in Japan, and a private visit here in Denmark a few years ago. I have also helped him with a…
Bonsai in Rome
At my recent travel to Rome in Italy, my wife and I took a last stroll through Trastevere before we should go home, and entered a botanical garden where a flower festival took place. Here we by coincidence stumbled upon the local bonsai exhibition by…
Fuchi Bonsai masterclass
With my two bonsai buddies Johnny Eslykke and Torben Pedersen I have formed a small work group with the purpose of teaching and developing the art of bonsai in our country. We have deliberately avoided a club or organization in order to keep a clean…
Yellow pot 2 – Pyracantha by Rita and Mark Cooper
After publishing my words about yellow Shohin-bonsai pots yesterday I received a wonderful picture from Rita and Mark Cooper from the UK. Rita and Mark has a fabulous collection of Shohin-bonsai, they have trained and developed from both native stocks and pre-bonsai raw material imported.…
Using yellow pots
Yellow pots for bonsai is still not seen so much outside Japan. In the world of Shohin-bonsai it must be introduced though, and the colour will lift the display when used properly. The glazed pots in various colours are used for deciduous Shohin and mame-bonsai.…