• Trimming leaves and flowers on bonsai

    The summer is here in a moment. Although the calendar mentions spring as the official season now the weather says summer, which influences the growth of the bonsai. Japanese maples Especially Japanese maples are a must-have in the bonsai collection, although not a native three…

  • Bonsai in Ueno park in Tokyo

    One of my friends who is not a bonsai man is in Japan to visit family who stay there for a period to study. He always sends me pictures when he stumbles upon bonsai wherever he is. This time Preben and his wife Kirsten ran…

  • Bonsai Reshaped in Australia

    Take care of snakes, but enjoy the view. Stunning location in Canberra where the event Bonsai reshaped takes place these days. I have a view from my bonsai garden, but I have to work in some mountains and lakes I can see. We started with…

  • Bonsai Australia coming up

    Tomorrow I leave for Australia to join up with Marija Hajdic when we arrive down under. This year the Bonsai Reshaped event is held over 4 days April 11-14. Demonstrations workshops and lots of social connections are part of this big Australian event. Because I…

  • Guy wire bonsai

    There are many techniques involved in creating bonsai. Wiring is one of those essentials. Wiring is used to redirect branches and shape these to recreate the image of an old tree. Big or small, wiring is not to be avoided and especially at a young…

  • Spring Bonsai Q&A Thursday

    Spring has sprung very early this season so there is a lot to do fast regarding repotting if not done already. As usual the last Thursday of the month is Live Q&A time. Send in questions and pictures up front here https://shohin-europe.com/live/ if you like,…

  • This weeks repotting video is free

    I experience some technical issues this week and can’t post as normal today, so I decided to make this week’s video free for everyone to watch. So it isn’t delayed. You can watch it below. This week we continue to dive into repotting bonsai and…

  • Wild rose varieties and simple flowering roses are the best for bonsai. The Japanese Eijitsu rose multiflora has many qualities for bonsai and it is an exquisite dwarf variety of Rose. Qualities are a thick woody trunk, and it develops tight internodes (distance between leaves.…