Bonsai Reshaped in Australia

Take care of snakes, but enjoy the view.

Stunning location in Canberra where the event Bonsai reshaped takes place these days.

I have a view from my bonsai garden, but I have to work in some mountains and lakes I can see. We started with workshops today and 2 X 3 hours of intensive classes from beginners to intermediate worked out well, and I hope everyone got what they came for.

Friday evening the relaxed demo will take place in this stunning setting. Everyone is very friendly and the relaxed atmosphere fits my approach to life and bonsai so well. It seems like it has been the best-selling bonsai night so far for the event, so that’s very pleasing to hear.

Many more pictures and some videos coming during the days and afterwards. It was one of the workshops where I missed taking pictures because I was fully occupied and focused on making some good lessons. I will try to get on top of that in the next few days.

Stay tuned for more.


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