• Pruning a tiny mame bonsai Juniper

    The tiniest of bonsai, the mame-bonsai, needs extra caution when pruning. Do not trim them regularly, because it will weaken the growth and health. Letting especially evergreens grow a little out of shape before trimming, making the new growth produce energy is essential. Trimming right…

  • The small wonders of Japanese maples

    Maybe it is because of the size of the tree. Maybe the size of the leaves. The wonders of the Japanese maples in Shohin bonsai always amaze me more than bigger amount of colored leafs. The same with the tiny leafs of the Cotoneaster microphylla.…

  • Happy autumn

    [arve url=”https://youtu.be/bbbDj41dqBM” thumbnail=”34842″ description=”bonsai video” autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes” /] Autumn, (and I do repeat myself year after year) is one of my favourites. When it gets colder here in Northern Europe, the colours of deciduous trees change. For now it is still warm, but this will…

  • Tokonoma display

    The garden Tokonoma is used on a daily basis. On rainy days I keep tables and scrolls out, and just set up a basic display. Sometimes just a Suiseki. Other days a proper display with scrolls and tables are included. Like today. The point is…

  • Keep cool with double potting

    We have spring-time summer at present at my location. Hot and wonderful weather that demands a need to cool down. The small mame-bonsai are in very shallow pots with a limited space for roots and soil. The sun and warm weather heats up pots, roots…

  • Bonsai garden expanding

    These days the new bonsai garden area is getting the finishing touches. Originally the bonsai garden was a bit smaller, but there  was an urgent need for more space. Because new trees are coming in for the Bonsai Video Studio recordings, and there simply wasn´t…

  • 15 years with shohin bonsai

    This year the Shohin Bonsai Europe website has been online for 15 years. Worth a small celebration I think, and an excellent excuse for a glass of wine on a Sunday evening. In the start the website was made to spread the knowledge of shohin…