15 years with shohin bonsai

This year the Shohin Bonsai Europe website has been online for 15 years. Worth a small celebration I think, and an excellent excuse for a glass of wine on a Sunday evening. In the start the website was made to spread the knowledge of shohin bonsai when little appreciation and information was present. Today this has changed a lot and shohin bonsai is just growing in popularity day by day. Same is the support of the website and I enjoy continuing the work. Now with the online Bonsai Video Studio added. Teaching bonsai online with video tutorials.

Shohin bonsai is still the main theme, blended with medium bonsai. The beauty of bonsai is not limited to one special category for me. I enjoy the art in different aspects, but my favourites will always be the smallest ones.

Mame-bonsai Cotoneaster in autumn clothes. Morten Albek, Shohin-bonsai Europe garden.

The bonsai garden is being rebuild in spring to take in more space for trees, and room for the video production. It is a feast to live a life with bonsai.

New video is online for subscribers to the Bonsai Video Studio by the way. Sign up if you want to watch and see more when new videos are published every month.

Below a small gallery of shohin and larger bonsai from Japan. Have a nice and peaceful weekend. Now just waiting for spring one month away.


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