Happy autumn

[arve url=”https://youtu.be/bbbDj41dqBM” thumbnail=”34842″ description=”bonsai video” autoplay=”yes” loop=”yes” /]

Autumn, (and I do repeat myself year after year) is one of my favourites. When it gets colder here in Northern Europe, the colours of deciduous trees change. For now it is still warm, but this will slowly change. Deciduous trees change their leaf colors from the darker summer green tones to yellow, brown or red. Especially the Japanese maples are stunning in all their variations.


Stop feeding

At this time it is important  to stop feeding your bonsai. Feeding them now will stress new growth, and this new growth will be too weak to cope with the winter colds. It is time to do other jobs in the bonsai garden though. Checking wire applied in the summer or earlier. Ensuring that the summer growth does not overgrow the wire and make marks difficult to change.


Cleaning out any weeds or dead leaf at the soil surface, to secure no pests are hidden. More important, the removal of dead plant material are of big importance because fungus can be a present. Most actions of fungus are good actions. because fungus breaks down dead plant material and feed future trees with nutrients. But that is when it is happening in the ground, in the forest.

In the bonsai pot, fungus can attack weak branches and open wounds. Therefore it is advisable to remove what can cause this. And that is dead plant material. Fungus likes humidity and cooler weather, and just that is the features of autumn.

The good thing, is the wonderful colours at the bonsai. Looking forward to that part.

Follow the seasons

One of the elements in the monthly video updates at the BONSAI VIDEO STUDIO is the report from my garden. Following the changing seasons is one of the important parts of bonsai. What to to when, and the pleasure of getting in contact with nature all year. All 12 months will be covered in the Vlog, so you can enjoy following the garden and trees.


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  • Cristian Maturana

    I really love the way you show your work, beautiful and healthy trees, excellent photos and videos and always calm and relaxed. It is inspired!

    I saw in this video and in your last almost Friday section, a jar of water for watering your bonsáis. Is it a good strategy? And why? I think in risks like insect, water decomposition and microorganisms in backwater.

    I hope you can solve my doubts, and maybe I could have a beautiful jar of water like yours new one with dragons 🙂

    Cristian M.

    • albek

      Thanks. The water in the jar newer stays for long. It is used daily and fresh water is filled in. So there are no risks. In autumn it is empty and cleaned for the winter.
      The jars are just handy as water deposits around the garden so I don’t have to run a long way to fill the can every time I water.

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