Bonsai artist portrait
Recently I had a visit of a good friend and photographer colleague. Now we are at it, my background is that I in my youth was examined as a gardener (greenhouse) but soon began a career as photographer and video journalist. Along with that I had a growing interest in bonsai, which has developed as it has during the years. The photography interest took the place for my gardener education, so I now have the benefit of both.

The portraits are a favour for my friend, Photographer and filmmaker Nicolai Brix at B-Visuals who is doing a personal project, portraying people who has had a big impact at him during his time. Of course I feel very honoured to be such a person for a friend, and I feel lucky to have the chance of somebody else making their portrait of how they see me. I am very pleased with the result and it is a great job from a clever photographer. A big thanks to Nicolai Brix.