• Funny bonsai attitudes

    November leaf fall and jobs to do in your bonsai garden. The online tutorials are published at https://shohin-europe.com/bonsai-video-studio-2/ and I hope you will enjoy them. As a pro member of Kisetsu-en, you have access to follow up with questions related to the published content as…

  • Read your tree in autumn

    Autumn is showing its bright colours. Almost like a traffic light with green, yellow and reds shining at the branches on deciduous Japanese maples, the Korean hornbeam or the Elm. I am lucky to have some nice weather the last days with the sun bringing…

  • Free bonsai Live Q&A Thursday at 8 PM

    This is your opportunity to ask your bonsai questions at the Live Q&A.   Morten Albek will answer different topics about bonsai. You can join us with your questions as well. Ask live at the meeting or send in questions ahead for a better chance…

  • Online bonsai beginner experiences

    The other day at an exhibition I heard one of my local students talk about the online learning experience. Not a young man as you might expect, but a retired man now putting all his energy and love into bonsai. What he told another guest…

  • Danish Bonsai exhibition

    A full weekend of bonsai activities ended. Displaying bonsai is a headline of any bonsai event, and it is always interesting to show your own work and watch what others are setting up for display. Some bonsai previously exhibited is back and improved. New comes…

  • Air layering for Shohin bonsai

    There are a number of ways to create your own Shohin bonsai. One of them is using a shrub or tree that already is trained for bonsai. You can cut that down and regrow it, if it is a species that tolerates this, and is…

  • Black pines back budding tutorial

    Part of the monthly bonsai video magazine online Sunday August 1st at 7 AM (UTC +2) Black pines back budding In yesterdays newsletter we somehow managed to leave out the info about the Japanese black pine video coming up. So here it goes. Pines in…