The mystery of Japanese maples shifting leaf colours in summer
In the Kisetsu-en bonsai collection, there are several pieces of the beloved Japanese maple, Acer palmatum. They all have slightly different habits of leaf development in spring and some colours up differently in autumn. Two of the small Shohin stand out in their different behaviour…
Mame bonsai is fun
The smallest bonsai is categorized as Shohin bonsai and a subcategory is Mame (bean) bonsai, only measuring up to 10 cm / 4 Inches. Shohin bonsai measures a maximum of 20cm/10 inches from the rim of the pot to the top of the tree (give…
Spring Bonsai Q&A Thursday
Spring has sprung very early this season so there is a lot to do fast regarding repotting if not done already. As usual the last Thursday of the month is Live Q&A time. Send in questions and pictures up front here https://shohin-europe.com/live/ if you like,…
Pot choices for two Shohin bonsai
Hmmmm…. what pot should I choose? This may be one of the spring questions often asked among bonsai enthusiasts. In this week’s video, I look into exploring the pot choice. Repotting bonsai is also a chance to select maybe a new pot for a tree.…
Rose spring repotting
As spring all of a sudden jumps on us, we have to act fast. The temperatures this season (again) show how rapid growth can appear after a mild winter. With the risk of cold periods coming back. In these early days, it’s important to have…
Roland visit in the garden starts the summer holidays
Well-known Shohin bonsai creator Roland Schatzer from Italy visited the Kisetsu-en garden—a perfect start on the holidays here. Holidays just add more time to write on the next Shohin bonsai book, so hours will be used in the studio and behind the laptop. Passion for…
New Tokonoma in the studio
For a few years now a garden Tokonoma has been established in the Kisetsu-en bonsai garden. I always dreamed about having an indoor Tokonoma as well to display bonsai all year around. Our house isn’t that big though so it was first when my wife…
Spring shohin bonsai and wiring
Spring is sneaking in upon us here. There have been some frosty nights but it will soon loosen up and higher temperatures will push new growth. Just before that, it is timely to wire any leftover wiring jobs we didn’t manage in autumn. When the…
Shohin bonsai in January and Tony Tickle testimonial
January is tricky. We just had a storm passing and it has been wet, wet and then wet again. Finally, the rain seem to stop. But the hag this month is to secure the bonsai are not pushing out new growth forced by the mild…
Chief editor at Bonsai Art Heike van Gunst
“Dear Morten, it is a great joy and honour to congratulate you on 30 years with bonsai and 20 successful years of Shohin-Europe! You have surely made a very satisfying personal journey, exploring the world of bonsai and shohin, and you have achieved so much.…