The spirit of teaching bonsai
Also send out as newsletter. I think my appreciation and dedication to teaching bonsai started many years ago. As I for the first time was asked to demonstrate in public and make a workshop. Since then I have found immense joy in bringing on my…
So much bonsai
The last weeks have been filled with bonsai activities. One week ago it was the national exhibition in Denmark. Yesterday (Sunday) I set up the personal exhibition and open workshop at the Japanese gardens, and the week ahead I am about to prepare the next…
Air layering for Shohin bonsai
There are a number of ways to create your own Shohin bonsai. One of them is using a shrub or tree that already is trained for bonsai. You can cut that down and regrow it, if it is a species that tolerates this, and is…
It´s Almost Friday 14
Looking into air layering, Zoom meeting, Forsythia second step and a Tokonoma display. These are the headlines at today’s Almost Friday, and we also talk a bit about the Zoom LIVE Q&A tonight. Full members-only edition today at https://shohin-europe.com/almost-friday-video/ A shorter free episode on YouTube.…
Make a Spruce bonsai from simple material
Creating a Spruce bonsai from simple material Part of the Monthly video Magazine July Styling Spruce. Picea, Spruce, needs some extra attention during the summer. The special pinching technique is important to know. This is the story about how to style a Spruce that at…
Bonsai species of the month
At Kisetsu-en Bonsai Online I every month present a new species of the month. This month it is one of my favourites. The Shrubby honeysuckle, or Lonicera nitida. This tree was, as many others, created from a raw and simple plant collected some years ago.…
Live Q&A
Check-in and join the meeting. Ask your bonsai questions and hang out with the Kisetsu-en community. Thursday, June 17:00 at 20:00 (UTC +2) Note the time, and match accordingly to your time zone. Some timezones to adjust your clock. Odense (Denmark) 20:00:00 CEST UTC+2 hours London (United…
Bonsai weekend ahead and Almost Friday 9
We are looking into the summer period. We do that with episode 9 of Almost Friday at Kisetsu-en. Please enjoy. [arve url=”https://youtu.be/ZksML5-FPr4″ loop=”no” muted=”no” /]
Thanks to the UK Bonsai Association
An online group of 60+ members tuned in yesterday evening to hear me ramble about Shohin bonsai. A great pleasure and even though we had two full hours I didn’t manage to say everything I wanted. Shohin bonsai is so interesting and there is a…
Bonsai in alarm colors
Red, yellow, orange. Normally alarm colors for warning or good offers. Here it offers an autumn mood in the bonsai garden. Colors of the season The cold weather is slowly approaching but still not really getting its grip. Therefore colors are not as vivid as…