• Kusamono and shitakusa for a summer play

    It´s almost summertime and out of season for most bonsai collections. Therefore it’s time for some playing around with shitakusa and kusamono. Shitakusa is the softwood plant used to accompany a bonsai or part of a Shohin bonsai display. Kusamono is composed to be the…

  • Cat-amono and the deciduous bonsai chess game

    Kusamono or Catamono? Funny moment at the Kisetsu-en bonsai garden. Shooting the Dwarf Hosta as it just stands perfect with a new flower. Mounted in an Elsebeth Ludvigsen pot. Our cat – ruling the premises with secure paws – couldnt resist posing during the photo…

  • Kokodama summer feeling

    Adding a little summer feeling to the bonsai collection. Kokodama moss balls are neat and light in their expression. Using simple and young material like seedlings, ferns, perennials, or even annuals if you like. Kokodama The Kokodama is literally a clump of soil wrapped in…

  • Flowers and grasses in the bonsai garden

    In my garden, I grow a small variety of plants as accents for my bonsai or just to stand alone. Accents can be everything with flowers or non-flowering species like grasses. Accents for bonsai or stand-alone The purpose of growing small plants for bonsai is…

  • Mini demo at the Trophy

    February 8 – 9 – 10 the famous Trophy in Belgium takes place. Bonsai Empire has a stand in the main hall where you can watch live mini demos Saturday and Sunday. I will be “on stage” Saturday at 12:00 with a talk about Shohin…

  • Horsetail Kusamono

    The Kusamono Dwarf Horsetail, Equisetum scirpoides, is a gift from a good bonsai friend. He didn’t remember the name, so I had to research a bit to find the correct name of it. I like the elegant structure with the tiny dark knees dividing each of…