Kusamono and shitakusa for a summer play

It´s almost summertime and out of season for most bonsai collections. Therefore it’s time for some playing around with shitakusa and kusamono. Shitakusa is the softwood plant used to accompany a bonsai or part of a Shohin bonsai display. Kusamono is composed to be the main focus and standing alone or at least without a bonsai.

Shitakusa, therefore, has to be in proper proportion when part of a display, and should never take away the focus from the bonsai and/or scroll. Kusamono on the other is the main attraction and can be more impressive if wanted. When planting more plants in a shitakusa or kusamono planting, select plants that have similar growing conditions so they will grow well together. The light, water and soil conditions must be similar, and the plants need to be selected for this.  plants.

Also, out of season for some bonsai to be displayed properly because it’s the growing season it is a perfect time to set up a fresh display with flowers and leaves in focus. It can be very joyful and calming. It may seem late season to set together and replant these small plants, but now is the time when leaves and flowers show their best, and easier to set together a composition. Just be careful and place them is the shade for a few days after disturbing the roots. The best time to do this work will be in the evening or early morning before the day heats up. Giving the plants time to take up some water. After some days they may slowly be exposed to more light when the roots have recovered.

Convallaria majalis Rosea

For a simple display, I planted a Convallaria majalis Rosea in a pot supporting the colour of the fragile elegant flowers. A solitary planting with a summer feeling. Needs to be in shade to semi-shade. May be sued with a larger bonsai but the main purpose is to enjoy it as it is. In a few years, it will grow and mature, setting new small plants, smaller leaves and tighter growth. As with bonsai, this takes some time.

Creating a Shitakusa

The other is a combo of plants that will live well together. All demand partial shade during the summer months and the same watering needs. Shikasuta is very satisfying to watch and can add a sense of a small piece of nature for a cool summer feeling.

This composition is made with Storks Bill ( Erodium variabile Bishops Form), Barrenwort (Epimedium youngianum Niveum`), Corsican toadflax (Cymbalaria hepatocigolia) in a John Pitt (UK) pot.


Live stream Thursday

In the Live stream Thursday we look at summer trimming Trident maples and Field maples. If not a member yet, you can sign up and try it out free for the first seven days.

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