This weeks repotting video is free
I experience some technical issues this week and can’t post as normal today, so I decided to make this week’s video free for everyone to watch. So it isn’t delayed. You can watch it below. This week we continue to dive into repotting bonsai and…
Wild rose varieties and simple flowering roses are the best for bonsai. The Japanese Eijitsu rose multiflora has many qualities for bonsai and it is an exquisite dwarf variety of Rose. Qualities are a thick woody trunk, and it develops tight internodes (distance between leaves.…
Rose spring repotting
As spring all of a sudden jumps on us, we have to act fast. The temperatures this season (again) show how rapid growth can appear after a mild winter. With the risk of cold periods coming back. In these early days, it’s important to have…
Spring bonsai and Live Q&A Thursday
It happens! Spring is just around the corner. Before that, we have the LIVE Q&A as always the last Thursday of the month. This time at the exceptional date February 29. Temperatures are steady and after a storm the other day all trees are back…
Watch video: How to arrange bonsai forest trunks
Arranging the trunks in a bonsai forest after it is planted and established can be tricky without simultaneously repotting the group. However, with anchoring wire and some creative support, it is possible to make some adjustments. In this tutorial, I show different methods of adjusting…
Rescuing a small neglected Japanese Quince
A neglected small Japanese Quince is rescued and brought to life in this episode. Normally we repot Chaenomeles in autumn, but when roots are suffering and the health is declining it’s timely to take action in spring. Extra care through the season will help it…
Cascade style Shohin bonsai from simple material
This weeks episode shows the transformation of a pre-grown simple Picea. This was originally found as a small seedling in the garden, and after 5-7 years of growth (cant remember the years exactly as I am getting older, or it has always been so), and…
Live Q&A Thursday
Thursday, January 25 at 8 PM (UTC +1) the monthly Live Q&A is scheduled. Bring in your questions and also send questions in before where you can attach pictures if needed. Questions can be about everything bonsai-related, from repotting, and styling techniques to display issues.…
Bonsai work in winter
Winter doesn’t mean we can’t work on some bonsai. It’s a good time to grab a Firethorn and set your fingers at a test. Ohhh those prickly thorns hurt. But still, I was able to survive and make this week’s episode about the Pyrachanta, Firethorn.…
A New Year with Shohin Bonsai
Happy New Year from me, Daisy and my family. We start again after a few days of laziness and jumping into a new year. A New Year is often said to be a new beginning. Here it is a new year with the same beginning.…