• Spring bonsai and Live Q&A Thursday

    It happens! Spring is just around the corner. Before that, we have the LIVE Q&A as always the last Thursday of the month. This time at the exceptional date February 29. Temperatures are steady and after a storm the other day all trees are back…

  • Live Q&A 8 PM CET today

    LIVE Q&A 8PM CET LIVE Q&A tonight before going to the Trophy in Belgium. Tonight we have our monthly Q&A Live on Zoom. There is still a short time to send in questions and pictures ahead. You also can just drop in and ask when…

  • Live bonsai Q&A Thursday at 8 PM

    Live Q&A November 18 Send in your questions for the live Q&A This is the Kisetsu-en member’s opportunity to join our regular meeting on Zoom. At the Live Q&A, Morten Albek will answer different topics about bonsai. You can join us with your questions as…

  • Join the bonsai Live Q&A tonight for free

    Sharing the link for today’s free Live Q&A at Kisetsu-en.   Click to join at 20:00 (UTC +2) October 14.   https://zoom.us/j/5852340261?pwd=NStGWDhkNGJoMXBlOFZndWNYTXV6Zz09   Code to add for the meeting if required is: zoom-free There is a limited number of participants. If the list is full…

  • Free bonsai Live Q&A Thursday at 8 PM

    This is your opportunity to ask your bonsai questions at the Live Q&A.   Morten Albek will answer different topics about bonsai. You can join us with your questions as well. Ask live at the meeting or send in questions ahead for a better chance…

  • Bonsai inspiration from nature

    Inspiration for bonsai comes from various sources. Sometimes it is watching bonsai at a show or in a bonsai garden. Other times it is in books or watching a video. The best resource is though the nature surrounding us. Or where we go to. Recently…

  • Online bonsai beginner experiences

    The other day at an exhibition I heard one of my local students talk about the online learning experience. Not a young man as you might expect, but a retired man now putting all his energy and love into bonsai. What he told another guest…

  • Live bonsai Q&A coming up

    Q&A is a cornerstone at Kisetsu-en. Questions are asked and answered daily about all kinds of bonsai subjects. If you also want to join in at our live Q&A at the Zoom platform you can easily do that. You will feel the Kisetsu-en friendly spirit…