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Shohin 2012

Shohin-bonsai display by Morten Albek.
Awarded with the runners up prize. Judged by Vaclav Novac.
Berberis thunbergii, Acer buergerianum and Potentilla fruticosa.

The past weekend I attended the national annual exhibition in the Danish Bonsai Society. The event took place at a bright place at the Danish Japanese Gardens.

This time my small shohin display was awarded with the runners up prize, judged by the head demonstrator CzechVaclav Novac, who did not fancy shohin in racks for some reason he told.

The winner was Torben Brenfeldt with a Taxus baccata and Japanese Black Pine display, and he also had a very nice five pieces display at the show. see this and the other shohin at the show at gallery below.

Here some pictures from the shohin-bonsai part of the exhibition i.e.

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  • ladislavlencucha

    Nice pictures! How many trees could be seen there?
    The first chinese elm is chinese juniper, isn’t it? 🙂

    • Morten Albek

      33 bonsai displayed and 6 shohin displays. Normally much more shohin displays are presented but not this year.
      Thank you for the notification. Yes it is a Juniper – now named correctly, thanks.

  • alfredo espino

    Thanks a lot for the pictures, Morten! I wonder if the lonicera nitida of yours is the one on the cover of your book.
    Take care and have a good one.


  • Gianni ferrara from thailand

    Hello albek ,
    Congratulation for your award is always excitang to partecipate to this special events , thailand is a bit far for me to attempt , but i plane to visit one day .
    The awards bring always more motivation and challenge
    Wish you a lovely day

    Gianni ,
    From phuket thailand

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