The Bonsai Video Studio is open

We managed to get it up a little before time, so there is a possible Christmas gift for yourself. First Monthly Theme is about wiring. First thing in the new year more content will be added to the wiring theme.

We hope you will help supporting the ongoing production of new learning videos by signing up for a subscription. Can’t make it without you.

There will be a lot of new content during the coming year, and it is the aim to make a concentrated learning experience and a pleasing to watch content. Watch whenever it suits you. You will have access to all content throughout your subscription period.

The library will grow continuously building a valuable catalog of tutorials and inspirational content over time.



  • aternald

    This looks interesting I’m just wondering, is this aimed to beginners or higher level? How often will there be new videos? How many videos per month? How long are the videos going to be?

  • albek

    Lets stop you wondering too much 🙂

    The aim is to cover the experienced, intermediate as well as beginning bonsai enthusiast.
    Can´t put a precise description on that, because it varies from each subject and how you see yourself. We will always strive to have the best possible content because also beginners will benefit from advanced levels.

    The Monthly Theme is once a month. Duration approx.15 – 30 min. (Depending on the topic).

    Follow the seaons Vlog is once a month. Duration 5-10 minutes (sometimes more). From time to time extra Vlogs will be published.

    Tutorials are from short 2 minutes to longer 5-15 minutes instructions. (Subject depending). Are published randomly.

    Best wishes
    Morten Albek

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